
Sunday 15 September 2013


When it comes to English or literature, poetry is slightly difficult to understand at first but when reading the beautifully written stansa. You see how the poet views what we consider ordinary in a brighter and often more beautiful light. The poets who show this in a lot of their works are romantic poets, John Keats being the most famous of them all since he died at the young age of 25, thinking he was a failure but is now world known for his poems. A movie even dedicated to the love he shared with his greatest inspiration, Fanny Brawne known as 'Bright Star' which incidentally is the poem he wrote specifically for her.

When I watched the movie I found it rather melancholy. It was upsetting that their relationship seemed to be doomed from the start because Keats wasn't successful but the more I watched it the more I got a broadened mind for poetry.

Keats stated that poetry is not something you teach, it is much like how a tree has its leaves. It either grows them or it doesn't which is much like how one understands poetry. You indulge in it and savour every stansa written word for word and when finished, you read it again until you see what beauty the poet witnessed when he wrote the poem and only then can you understand poetry instead of trying to break it down and decipher it like one does for a code because a poem isn't a code but a tale of inspiration from a writer that doesn't require the long descriptions like a novel but the viewpoint of the writer themselves.

I guess that's why I always liked poetry, it makes you see untold beauty in the world we all live in but unlike humans. It will remain for generations to come and never be forgotten.

So that's it for this post, leave a comment if you like. Don't be afraid to speak what you think and if you want to know my favourite poem then here it is.

Blood Moon

The light washes over me
I lack self control, I feel no remorse
When with wide eyes she stares back at me
My hands around her throat

I smile, feeling powerful in my loss of sanity
I squeeze my hands tighter
Her mouth forms a silent scream
She tries to get free, but I am stronger
And I laugh at her struggle

Her body goes limp underneath me
I feel a rush flow through me
I feel the life drain from her
And a paleness washes over her
The autumn wind plays an eerie tune
As a tilt my face towards a bright blood moon 

What can I say, I can be slightly creepy at times but I like the morbid stuff. If you have a favourite poem don't be afraid to share it.

Tuesday 10 September 2013


For those who don't know what cosplay is, it is when a person dresses up as a character they like from anything really. It could be games, animes, movies or TV shows they really like. You often get to see cosplayers when they go to conventions like comic-con, RTX(Austin, Texas only) or Armageddon(NZ only). This often leads to cosplay competitions of who dresses the best as a cosplayer, the most common cosplayers that people get to see are of anime characters.

You can also see cosplay role play where either a group or one person play as their cosplay characters and create their own video or photos of their cosplays. You can find most videos on youtube. But if you want to become a cosplayer yourself, it helps to find out what your intended character wears so that you can find the clothes, some clothes you can find on Ebay or even Trademe (NZ) sometimes you can find a whole character's costume at certain stores. If you go to Japan or live there I strongly recommend Animate(It's a anime/manga store), you can find most in Tokyo (Places I saw Animate in are Akihabara and Shibuya) but it does tend to be crowded in this store because it is very popular and if you don't want to spend too much on the costume, I recommend buying it during golden week. It's a holiday that all of Japan celebrate where they have everything on a half price discount if your lucky.

Now some people call cosplayers nerds but when you think about it. We're all nerds in some way, I'm a nerd when it comes to anime/manga, horror and video games. So before you call someone a nerd you should seriously think about it because you could be insulting yourself.

But in my personal opinion, I think cosplayers are awesome because you get to be a character you love and get to have fun with it. What's so bad about that?

Sorry if this post took a while but I'll be trying to get my posts up as soon as possible, don't be afraid to comment and like I always say, don't be afraid to say your thoughts.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Sexual orientation

In case your wondering what sexual orientation is, it is part of a persons sexuality and tells people what they are attracted to in another person.
Now we all know heterosexual since its a common sexual orientation that is often presented in various media sources; if you're unsure it is the attraction of the opposite sex. There is also homosexual which, while it is no longer seen as a big problem in certain countries, it is still frowned upon in certain countries and by certain people; if you're unsure it is the attraction of the same sex. Bisexual is sometimes frowned upon like homosexuality but it is also seen as a testing of ones sexual orientation because of it varying between homosexual and heterosexual.
These are the three main sexual orientations that the world knows today but there are actually more like pan-sexual which is when you're attracted to someone's personality, not looks or gender but their personality.
A-sexual which is when you aren't interested in sex at all or anything that is remotely sexual.
Now there are also sexuality terms like trans-sexual and transgender. This relates to when a person feels like they are the opposite gender inside despite what they look like on the outside. Sort of like a boy in a girl's body and a girl in a boy's body etc.
Now in today's world, we are more accepting about one's sexuality, mostly in western cultures but there are people who still don't accept them, also in western cultures.
I, personally, think one's sexuality is their own business. Mainly because I have no say about who they are so who am I to judge them.

If you want to learn about sexuality and how it was discriminated in the past then a movie I would recommend is 'Philadelphia' since it focuses on a man who sues the company he worked for after he was fired because his co-workers and bosses said he was incompetent but it was due to him having HIV and being gay. It is a good movie and a good film to watch if you want to look into the world when discrimination was a big problem.

That's all for now but comment if you have an opinion you wish to share, I don't mind any creative criticism and don't be afraid to share any thoughts you may have.

Friday 30 August 2013


For those who don't know what RWBY is; RWBY which is pronounced as ruby is a new internet series created by Monty Oum and can be watched on the roosterteeth website or youtube on the roosterteeth account. RWBY is an acronym for red, white, black and yellow and the four colours are based around the four female protagonists who were individually introduced by their trailers, each with individual songs that can explain who the character is on a deeper level. As for a summary about RWBY, it is based around the four main protagonists and how they are in a school that teaches students to become hunters and huntresses that are the people who defeat the creatures of grim. Despite some people saying that it's based around magic, Monty states that it isn't magic but a power within a human known as aura that protects a humans soul by either manifesting into a shield to protect them or it can be channeled through either a weapon or their own strength in order to defeat their enemies.

The show in general is great as well as the trailers which I strongly recommend you watch before watching the series because it gives you a strong understanding of the characters on another level other than just how they're portrayed in the show.

Now this is something that often mistakes people but anime is not just Japanese. Japan are just the originators of anime that have become increasingly popular with everyone in the world and have been translated into English versions so that those in other countries can understand it. That doesn't mean that just because RWBY was made in America that it's technically an american animation. It's just an anime that was made in America.

So that's it for now but comment if you enjoyed and don't be afraid to speak your mind as always.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Cryaotic ._.

Cryaotic(or cry for short) is a gamer known for wearing a mask with ._. on it. He is rather popular and good friends with pewdiepie, both having the fanfiction shipping pewdiecry. Cry is known for playing horror and indie games but he is also famous for being one of the only gamers who hasn't revealed his identity to the gaming world or youtube. This is why the most common thing said to Cry is can you show your real face since he hasn't showed his face to anybody.

I say that Cry's identity should remain a mystery, he's an awesome gamer with a great way of commentary for his let's play and besides, it's his choice whether or not he reveals his identity or not. So a big shout out to Cry for bring an awesome gamer since unlike some gamers, he does tend to get along with the video game characters and sometimes when it's a really emotional part. He can cry to it but no one should say he should grow a pair since who wouldn't get emotional when your dying and about to turn into a zombie and telling a little girl to leave you so she doesn't get hurt? no one that's right and if you say you can't then you don't have a heart.

So that's it for this post, leave a comment if you want and don't be afraid to share your input on anything.

Tuesday 27 August 2013


Fanfiction is a website dedicated to fan written stories based on either a TV series, movie, book, etc. that has been seen or read. They could either be based on the plot of the series, movie or story or could be another type of story with the characters from their designated stories, shows or films, this is often referred to as an alternate universe or AU for short. The site itself has authors from across the globe, who all together have written millions of different stories that are quite popular to authors and guests who use the site.

I, myself do use the site and have written my own stories for it as well. I also have read and favourite many of the stories, mostly yugioh, and compared to when I started writing. My writing style and grammar has improved greatly.

My next post is going to be about the gaming world, involving a certain gamer who has an amazing speaking voice but is still a great mystery to many people.

Don't be afraid to leave a comment and always speak your mind, people say no but they can go screw themselves for all I care.

Sunday 25 August 2013

C.G.I (Computer-genetic imagery)

This is possibly the best and worst thing to ever happen in the world. It's useful when creating video games, animated movies and/or series and the movie industry uses it for visual effects you can't do in real life like creating a weird creature or when a green screen is used for the effect of backgrounds. But it sometimes get's put to bad use when movie industries make it look really fake.
An example of this is C.G.I blood, it looks really fake and cartoon like where as when people use squibs and fake blood, it gives an almost realistic look to it all. Sure movie producers use this because it saves money on costumes since fake blood is really messy but isn't it better to have a more realistic effect in the movie instead of just going to a computer for an effect you can easily do yourself.
The worst that I've seen is when the 2011 film, Green Lantern, C.G the mask for Green Lantern, honestly out of all the things you use C.G.I for it had to be a freaking mask. Couldn't they just make one so that it didn't make his eyes so white? because that was really creepy when I looked at his eyes against the mask, and he's a good looking actor so why ruin his look with C.G.I?

Don't be afraid to give an opinion if you have one and next time, I'm posting about a website I love but it's going to be a surprise for you guys. Don't be afraid to give your thoughts and inputs since I don't mind criticism at all.